Welcome to the WORLD of SMARTPHONE

Nokia leading brand


Posted by Faryal fazal Thursday, September 3, 2009

Mobile phone or cell phone is along range electronic device which is used for telecoomunication
over a cellular network of special based stations called cell sites.
In additon to voice function now a days cell phone provide more other functions like SMS,MMS
Email, GPS for access to network, Bluetooth, gaming, infrared,MP3 player, camera with video recorder,radio
Mobile phone provide full duplex communication,it means that it provide two way communcation at a time.
while when we talk on cell phone we can move in a wide range not like typical cordless phone which is also a wireless phone but provide telephonic service to very limited range.
Use of mobile phones increases day by day as INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION estimated the mobile cellular subscription worldwide is 4.1 billions by the end of 2008.


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